
Tooth Extraction in San Antonio, TX

We use state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology to provide the most advanced treatment options available for your particular emergency dental needs.

Dentist at Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry performing a tooth extraction on a patient.

Dental Issues That Could Require Emergency Dental Care

Looking for a reliable tooth extraction service in San Antonio? Look no further than Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry. Our team of dental professionals at 14314 Potranco Rd Ste 109 is dedicated to providing top-quality care and treatment for all your dental needs. Read on to learn more about tooth extraction, who might need this service, and why you should choose Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry for your dental care.

Tooth extractions that turn into healthier, happier smiles. Read on to learn more about tooth extractions and why you should choose Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry for your smile solution.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure that involves the removal of a damaged, decayed, or infected tooth. This treatment is often necessary when other dental solutions are not effective, such as root canals or fillings. The dentist or oral surgeon performs the relatively quick procedure and involves either local or general anesthesia.

Who Might Need Tooth Extraction in San Antonio?

A tooth extraction may be recommended when you are experiencing tooth pain, swelling or discomfort. This procedure is necessary for those who have one or more of the following:

4 signs you need a tooth extraction

  • Overcrowding: When there is not enough room in the mouth, teeth shifting causes discomfort and misalignment.
  • Infection: When tooth decay extends to the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels.
  • Damage: When a tooth is severely cracked, broken, or damaged to be repaired.
  • Orthodontic treatment: When teeth need to be properly aligned and teeth need to be removed to make room.
3D example of a tooth being extracted from Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry in San Antonio.

What Makes Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry the Best Choice for Tooth Extraction?

Here at Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry we are committed to you and your smile. With years of experience in tooth extraction and other dental procedures, our experienced team of dental professionals use advanced technology and apply the latest to ensure top-quality, personalized dental care. We understand your concerns. We offer customized comfort and prime protection to treat your specific needs. To schedule a consultation, please call at 830-219-1378.

5 Signs a Tooth Extraction is Necessary

  • Severe tooth decay or damage
  • Advanced gum disease
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Overcrowding in the mouth
  • Infection or abscess

Tooth Extraction Statistics

  • According to The Journal of the American Dental Association, 21.3% or more than 1 in 5 adults have untreated tooth decay, which can lead to the need for tooth extraction.1

1 in 5 adults

have untreated tooth decay, which can lead to the need for tooth extraction

When you choose Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry, you can expect:

  • Personalized treatment and attention from experienced professionals
  • Advanced technology and equipment for safe, effective treatment
  • Affordable and transparent payment options
  • A comfortable and friendly environment
  • A commitment to excellence for overall health and wellbeing

Experience the difference quality dental care can make at Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry.


Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry

14314 Potranco Rd Ste 109

San Antonio, TX 78245



between 211 and Stevens Parkway on Potranco Rd., across the street from the H-E-B, in the Potranco Trails shopping center

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Teeth Extraction Dental Experts

At Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry in San Antonio, our dental team has years of experience in providing exceptional dental care, including tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, tooth removal, and dental extractions.

Trusted Teeth Extraction

Say goodbye to painful or damaged teeth with teeth extractions. Our gentle and precise procedure removes the affected tooth, providing relief from pain and preventing further damage to your oral health.



Don't wait, Call Now 830-219-1378

If you're experiencing tooth pain, swelling or discomfort, don't hesitate to call Stevens Ranch Modern Dentistry in San Antonio. Our experienced dental team is dedicated to providing safe and effective tooth extractions, including wisdom teeth removal and dental extractions. Contact us today to book an appointment and start your journey to a healthier, pain-free smile.

Dental Issues That Could Require Emergency Dental Care

  • Toothache or sever dental pain
  • Broken or chipped tooth
  • Lost or knocked out tooth
  • Swelling or infection in the mouth or jaw
  • A lost or losse orthodontic appliance (such as a bracket or wire)
  • Trauma or injury to the moth or jaw
  • Abscess or pus-filled pocket on the gums
  • A broken or lost dental restoration (such as a filling or crown)
  • Gum bleeding that doesn't stop

Tooth Extraction FAQs

  • What should I expect during the tooth extraction process?

First, your dentist will numb the affected area with a local anesthetic. Next, they will use specialized tools to remove the damaged or infected tooth. Following the extraction, you’ll receive aftercare instructions to ensure a comfortable recovery.

  • Will tooth extraction hurt?

We take every precaution to ensure a comfortable, pain-free tooth extraction experience for our patients. While there may be some discomfort or mild pain during the recovery process, most patients report little to no pain during the actual procedure.

  • How long does tooth extraction take?

The length of the tooth extraction process can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and the patient's needs. In general, most tooth extractions take less than an hour to complete.

  • How long is the recovery period after tooth extraction?

The recovery period can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the complexity of the procedure, the patient's age and overall health, and how well they follow post-operative care instructions. Generally, it is normal to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bleeding in the first few days after the procedure. Most patients can expect to fully recover within one to two weeks.

  • Can I eat normally after a tooth extraction?

It is important to avoid eating hard or chewy foods for the first few days, as this can irritate the extraction site and slow down the healing process. Instead, stick to soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow, such as soup, yogurt, or mashed potatoes. As you begin to feel more comfortable, you can gradually reintroduce solid foods into your diet, but be sure to follow your dentist's instructions and avoid foods that may be too hot or spicy.



1 April JADA finds more than 1 in 5 US adults have untreated caries. American Dental Association. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://www.ada.org/publications/ada-news/2022/march/april-jada-finds-more-than-1-in-5-us-adults-have-untreated-caries